My name is Madelyn Owens and I am a 20 year old future teacher. I am currently a junior at Rutgers University – New Brunswick. I am studying Sociology (what can I say, I love people!) and I am hoping to get into the Rutgers Graduate School of Education 5-Year Program! This would allow me to complete a Master’s Degree in Elementary Education (K-5) with a Subject Matter Specialization in Mathematics (6-8) with only one additional year of schooling.

I work as a consultant in the Office of Information Technology here at Rutgers, where I work in our computer labs. I am also a nanny to three lovely children whom I drive to/from practices and games, as well as cook dinner for them a few nights a week. My favorite job, though, is as the assistant cheerleading coach at South Brunswick High School.

I have wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember, and I truly can’t see myself doing anything else. I hope to inspire and encourage everyone with the same passion as me to work toward their goals and change the lives of students everywhere!


1 thought on “ABOUT ME

  1. So excited for you and your opportunity


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