I spend a lot of time imagining what my classroom will look like in the future. Below is an idea of what I feel are important aspects of the classroom. It is a sneak peek of what I hope to make my classroom look like someday. I hope that this will inspire other teachers in designing their classroom. Enjoy!


Kids have short attention spans, and “brain breaks” are a GREAT way to combat the restlessness that can stem from long lessons. Between lessons, or every hour or so, I will allow my students a “brain break.” This is basically a time where I will play an appropriate, upbeat song (like the one below) during which they can get up and dance, stretch, sing or do whatever they to do need for about 5-10 minutes in order get their urge to fidget out. I highly recommend this method – it is super effective in keeping the day running smoothly (and the kids love it!).


ae1fb7ce41c1a5c5fc47fcb7fdc32040--classroom-layout-classroom-projectsMy ideal classroom has a Smart Board at the front of the room. With technology on the rise, a Smart Board is an essential piece of the classroom environment. It allows for direct interaction between students and the lesson, keeping them engaged in a way they enjoy.


47616309e821f4ce30408b1304006db8A great idea for the classroom is having an organization station. Students often forget stationary more than we’d like them too, and this gives them the ability to still partake in the class activities. It can also be utilized effectively for class projects and activities.




A really effective way to get students to enjoy reading is to implement the infamous reading corner. When I have my own classroom, I will most definitely work hard on my reading corner to encourage my students to keep reading, and enjoy doing it!



I love the idea of a U-shaped arrangement for my students’ desks. I feel this is the most efficient set up not only in terms of space, but to ensure that every student is able to see clearly. It also allows for easy collaboration between partners.


b02788812e6ca491460c89b903bd599bBulletin boards are the first thing students see when they enter the classroom. It is a great way for students to feel recognized in the classroom and feel welcomed into a new setting – these are what I’m most excited to design!


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